With an expertise in the design industry, Jones and Kolb formed the Design Information Group, or DIGroup, a monthly meeting of leaders in design, architectural and engineering firms. We formed this group in 1988 to address financial and business concerns related to this industry and to provide an environment for executives to gather, exchange ideas, financial, tax, and managerial solutions, and share ‘best practices” relating to industry issues.

Monthly networking meetings are facilitated by the Firm’s Shareholders and professionals and are comprised of industry leaders in the Metro Atlanta area, including financial principals, controllers, and accountants. Attendees gain valuable insights into industry challenges and opportunities and share ideas that often inspire innovation and enhanced strategic and operational initiatives within their companies.

Attendee participation and questions are encouraged, and ample time is reserved for networking and collaboration. Monthly topics range from business, legal, and tax issues and Jones and Kolb Shareholders facilitate the meetings and moderate the discussion topics. 

Meetings are held the last Wednesday of each month at Maggiano’s in Buckhead and the cost is $25, including lunch in a private meeting room.  The topics are selected by the group and range from business, legal, and tax issues.  The meetings start at 11:15 and conclude just before 1:00.  

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We Invite you to Join our Monthly DIGroup Meetings!

Informative and thought-provoking forums exclusively for design industry leaders. During meetings, attendees are encouraged to pose questions and will gain insights into industry challenges and learn about opportunities.  

Interested in expanding your horizons, stretching your mind, and learning industry best practices? We welcome you to join us.

To suggest a topic for future discussion, please contact Molly Amos at mca@joneskolb.com or 404-262-7920 x 2358.